Yuste Foundation schedules a conference in Plasencia on Medicine in Gabo’s Magic Realism

Yuste Foundation schedules a conference in Plasencia on Medicine in Gabo’s Magic Realism

The European and Ibero-American Academy of Yuste Foundation has organised a conference on “Los médicos de Macondo. La medicina en la obra de Gabriel García Márquez” (The Doctors from Macondo. Medicine in the work of Gabriel García Márquez), which will be given in the Assembly Hall of the University of Plasencia on Thursday 28th at 5pm by the Doctor of Medicine and Professor of the History of Medicine and Nursing from the University of Cádiz, Juan Valentín Fernández de la Gala.

International experts Meet to analyse Badajoz tapestries

International experts Meet to analyse Badajoz tapestries

After 450 years since they were made, the Flanders tapestries in Badajoz cathedral revive their brilliance by becoming the unifying thread of the international meeting of ‘De Flandes a Extremadura. Humanismo y Naturaleza en los tapices de Badajoz’ (From Flanders to Extremadura. Humanism and Nature in Badajoz tapestries), which is held today and tomorrow in the Badajoz Official School of Pharmaceuticals with the presence of distinguished experts from Italy, Belgium and Spain.

A study on the chroniclers of the Indies wins the Fourth Research Prize for the Ibero-American Doctoral Theses ‘Fernando Serrano Mangas’

A study on the chroniclers of the Indies wins the Fourth Research Prize for the Ibero-American Doctoral Theses ‘Fernando Serrano Mangas’

The work ‘Filosofía de la historia de América: los cronistas de Indias en el pensamiento español’ (Philosophy of the history of America; the chroniclers of the Indies in Spanish thinking), by the Russian Natalia Korotkikh Denisova, has been the winner of the Fourth Research Prize for the Ibero-American Doctoral Theses ‘Fernando Serrano Mangas’, organised by the European and Ibero-American Academy of Yuste with the aim of promoting and supporting scientific creations related to the Ibero-American sphere. This thesis elaborates a canon, catalogue or dictionary of the chroniclers of the Indies.

Yuste Foundation presents its comic collection ‘Extremeños en Iberoamérica y Europa – Historieta’ in Jarandilla de la Vera

Yuste Foundation presents its comic collection ‘Extremeños en Iberoamérica y Europa – Historieta’ in Jarandilla de la Vera

The European and Ibero-American Academy of Yuste Foundation has opened an exhibition of ‘Extremeños en Iberoamérica y Europa – Historieta’ (Extremadurans in Ibero-America and Europe – Comic) in the Sala Mirador hall of the Parador hotel of Jarandilla de la Vera. The exhibition is a showcase for the books published for its collection under the same name that seeks to acquaint our modern world with the great historical figures of Extremadura.