The European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations 2012: What did we do and the next
Commissioner Andor

Creating a New Old
Ciarán Mckinney

‘What do you mean by difference?’: The artistic use of digital media builds bridges between the generations
Almuth FrIcke

The Goals and Actions to Achieve Active Aging: What about care home residents? Towards an Age-Friendly European Union by 2020
Dr. Angela Kydd

Towards an age-friendly European Union by 2020
Anne-Sophie Parent

The EU’s hidden ageing population: Improving policies for older ethnic minorities and migrants
Georgina Siklossy

Retaining and regaining independence and inclusion in later life. Notes and practice examples from ESN’s Autumn Seminar 2012
Lisa Schönenberg

Fundación Cibervoluntarios: aumentando los derechos y oportunidades de las personas mayores a través de las TIC
Alejandra Betegón Salamanca

Ageing and Hearing
Soeren Hougaard

Medienkompetenz im Alter
Dr. Barbara Keck

The European quality framework for long-term care services
Maude Luherne

Active ageing and solidarity between generations in Europe and beyond. A view from the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
VIviane Brunne, Vitalija Gaucaite Wittich

Aktives Altern und Solidarität zwischen den Generationen: Theoretische Konzepte und praktische Umsetzung des Europäischen Jahres 2012 in Deutschland
Claudia Kaiser und Ursula Lehr

2012 Año Europeo del Envejecimiento Activo y la Solidaridad Intergeneracional. Una mirada multidimensional a un fenómeno global 5
Diego A. Bernardini
