Royal Monastery of Yuste, 27th June 2016
Under the title “Religion, secular society and violence,” the Yuste Dialogues, organised by the faculties of Theology, Canon Law and Philosophy at the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, are intended to reflect on the links between the three concepts in the title, wondering to what extent violence is present in secular society and in religion and, if eradicating violence from secular society outside the contribution of religion is possible and how so.
By invitation of the Pontifical University of Salamanca.
Mr. Gonzalo Tejerina Arias, Dean of the Faculty of Theology, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca
Mr. Luis García Matamoro, Dean of the Faculty of Canon Law, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca
Ms. Rosa María Herrera García, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca