From the 27th to the 29th of June 2018, at the Royal Monastery of Yuste

The course will address the coming forward of the SDGs in the light of the 2030 Agenda, analysing the implementation mechanisms and strategies, the obtained results since 2015 and the role played by different public and private actors to achieve their fulfilment. In this sense, a cross-sectional analysis of the SDGs will be carried out considering poverty eradication a primary component to achieve these goals, but that impinges on each one of the dimensions that define the SDGs; particularly the economic, the social and the environmental dimension, with a practical purpose.

This is why diverse subjects covered by the SDGs will be dealt with throughout the course and, of course, those considered the main ones. Vital importance is thus given to issues such as gender equality, stated in Goal 5, and the framework of the Alliances that may lead to the fulfilment of the 2030 Agenda as stated in Goal 17. In this regard, special attention should be paid to the human rights perspective and to the basic principles that govern in the international order as well as to the participation of actors such as companies, in the fulfilment of the SDGs.

The subjects covered with greater attention regarding an issue that is opened to debate and reflection will basically be: a) poverty eradication and the fight against hunger in the framework of the SDGs; b) gender equality and goals to ensure this principle within the international community; c) the role played by the civil society and companies when fulfilling the SDGs; d) diverse dimensions of the SDGs and the challenges faced by the 2030 Agenda. The contribution of an Autonomous Community such as Extremadura, especially sensitive to these issues, is considered relevant because none of the actors falls outside the framework of the actions leading towards the fulfilment of the SDGs.


Juan Manuel Rodríguez Barrigón. University of Extremadura.
Sagrario Morán Blanco. Rey Juan Carlos University.