Yuste Foundation analyses the evolution of the relations between the European Union and Latin America
The European and Ibero-American Academy of Yuste Foundation and the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB) have organised the international seminar “Latin American and the European Union Relations: a Renewed Political Alliance?”), which will be held the 25th and the 26th of June at the Royal Monastery of Yuste Foundation, which is the Foundation’s headquarters. The course is sponsored by the European Union – Latin America and Caribbean Foundation (EU-LAC Foundation).
The seminar opens on Monday, 25 June at 09:00 am with the participation of the Ibero-American Secretary General, Rebeca Grynspan; The Executive Director of the EU-LAC Foundation, Paola Amadei; the Director General of External Action of the Regional Government of Extremadura and President of the European and Ibero-American Academy of Yuste Foundation’s Executive Commission, Rosa Balas; the Mayor of Cuacos de Yuste, José María García Hernández and the Director of the European and Ibero-American Academy of Yuste Foundation, Juan Carlos Moreno Piñero.
The seminar will count with the participation of personalities from Latin America and Europe – coming from different countries and having different areas of specialization – where transdisciplinary approaches will be carried out, diverse in perspectives as in experiences that always provide a Latin American and European vision. In this sense, the former Colombian Finance Minister and economist, Guillermo Perry; the former Argentinean Minister of Economy, José Luis Machinea; the President of the Institute for the Promotion of Latin America and the Caribbean (IPDAL), Paolo Neves; PhD in Political Science by the Complutense University and Master’s degree in International Relations by the United Nations’ University for Peace, José Antonio Sanahuja Perales and the person in charge of Oxfam Intermon’s Policy for Latin America and the Caribbean, Andrea Costafreda, among other experts and academicians, will attend.
The seminar will analyse the economic growth that different regions are experiencing and how this fact presents challenges from the economic as well as the geopolitical point of view. In this framework, the current condition of the relations between the European Union and Latin America and how they are expected to evolve will be analysed. In this sense, some of the subjects that will be dealt with are growth challenges of both world regions; the relations between Latin America and Europe in a world of constant change; the process made after the Paris Memorandum and the G-20 Agenda in Argentina, apart from the possibilities to strengthen trade relations between Europe and Latin America.