The European and Ibero-American Academy of Yuste Foundation has opened the deadline for submission of nominations for the 2024 Research Prize to Ibero-American Doctoral Theses. (12/01/2024)

This prize aims to support the development of research work, while encouraging reflection and the exchange of ideas of university students, researchers and professionals on Ibero-American and European topics.

Theses that address the relations between Spain, Portugal or Europe as a whole with Ibero-America and vice versa as a topic, from a historical, cultural, social, scientific, economic or any other field of study, may compete. The awarded thesis will be published in the Foundation’s book collection “Tesis Doctorales” and the winner will receive 3,000 euros.

Doctoral theses submitted for the prize must be written in Spanish, English or Portuguese and have been read in Portugal, Spain or any Ibero-American or European country in one of the two years prior to the publication of the call.

In addition, they must have obtained the maximum rating established in the regulations in force at the time of their reading. Among the selection criteria, the jury will assess the scientific and literary quality and soundness of the arguments used in the demonstration of the proposed hypotheses, the coherence and systematics of the argumentation in the writing of the text or the creativity and originality of the development, among other aspects.

The deadline for submission is 23 February inclusive. Applications, along with the required documentation and the text of the theses, should be sent to the following e-mail address:

They may also be submitted in the registry of the European and Ibero-American Academy of Yuste Foundation’s headquarters (Paseo de Roma, Módulo E, Planta 2. 06800 Mérida) or via post offices, in which case the application should be taken there in an open envelope so that the person  in charge may state the date when it was presented and be sent by certificate mail.

The theses shall be submitted in DVD format, USB pen drive or similar. The application and annexes can be downloaded from Yuste Foundation’s website.


With the call for the Research Prize to Ibero-American Doctoral Theses, the European and Ibero-American Academy of Yuste Foundation aims to support and encourage the development of research in professional and study areas on Ibero-American and European topics.

The winning thesis will be published in the book collection “Tesis Doctorales”, which is made up of the works that have previously been awarded: El Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de La Habana y la colección de retratos de la pintura española del siglo XIX, by Martha Elizabeth Laguna Enrique; La exposición como recolonización; Exposiciones de arte latinoamericano en el Estado español (1989-2010), by Francisco Godoy Vega; Filosofía de la Historia de América. Los cronistas de Indias en el pensamiento español, by Natalia Korotkikh Denisova; Cirurgiões, práticas e saberes cirúrgicos na América portuguesa no século XVIII, by Brazilian Monique Palma; El elegido inesperado. Pedro José de Fonte, último arzobispo de la Nueva España, by the Mexican researcher Clemente Cruz Peralta; and Revolución e indulgencia. La política de indultos en la última Nueva España, 1808-1821, by also Mexican Óscar Sergio Zárate Miramontes.