Issue number 16 of the Pliegos de Yuste magazine of the European Academy of Yuste Foundation has published Federalism, integration and challenges for the future of Europe, with contributions to the Course titled The process of European integration and the challenges for the future of Europe: participation, representation and democracy within a federal context of Nation States in the European Union.
The Pliegos de Yuste collection is a set of publications which address matters related to culture, science and European thought and current-day issues such as ageing, globalization, culture, memory, multilingualism and the future and challenges of the EU.
The course, organized by the Foundation, the University of Extremadura and the EU-HOPE Jean Monnet Module of the Uex, has received financial support from the European Commission, within the framework of the grant program for initiatives which promote debate and raise awareness of the political priorities of the EU, and the collaboration of the Government of Extremadura, the Provincial Councils of Badajoz and Cáceres and the Almaraz Nuclear Power Station.
Some of the contributions included are by José Manuel Durão Barroso, former President of the European Commission, Marcelino Oreja, Academician of the European Academy of Yuste and former European Commissioner, Eugenio Nasarre, former President of the Education Commission of the Chamber of Deputies and President of the Federal Council of the European Movement, and Francisco Fonseca, former Director of the Office of the European Commission in Spain and Deputy Director-General at the Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers of the European Commission.
Similarly, others are by Enrique Barón Crespo and José María Gil Robles, former Presidents of the European Parliament and the Jean Monnet Chair, Alejandro Cercas, former MEP, Jaume Duch, spokesman for the European Parliament, Susana del Rio, expert in European communication, Francisco Aldecoa, Senior Professor in International Relations, as well as by Enrique Serbeto, Griselda Pastor and Álvaro Lopez de Goikoetxea, the respective correspondents for ABC, La Ser and RTVE in Brussels.
The book includes an academic presentation by Professors from the University of Extremadura Mario Díaz, director of the summer university course, and Enrique Moradiellos, director of the Jean Monnet Chair EU-HOPE, and is divided into four parts, which address the processes of nationalization, integration and European enlargement, the transition towards a federal Europe, the challenge of communication with regard to the European Union and the creation of European public opinion and the legal and economic implications of a federation of nation states within the European Union.
The publication is available in both reading and pdf formats via the following links: and