On February- March 2020, at the Royal Monastery of Yuste
These 5th grade primary school student visits are framed within the project, “The European Union: a long way towards peace and coexistence”, carried out by Yuste Foundation, the City Council of Navalmoral and CEPAIM Foundation. The activity intends to reinforce European integration through the promotion of active citizenship and culture as well as the promotion of debate concerning European construction and the promotion of its values.
During the activities, the possible causes for migrations will be presented and the differences with refugees will be tackled: why they run away or why they come to Europe or any other country, and possible solutions that may improve this situation will be worked on. This project may also serve to delve into the development of skills, abilities and attitudes that may lay the foundations of an intercultural and democratic citizenship that exercises solidarity and participates actively. This project will work on the concept of European values, where Human Rights are part of values, such as equality, freedom and democracy.
The project is divided into several phases. In the first, the students will work on concepts related to European construction along with their teachers with materials supplied by the European Commission. In the second phase, staff from CEPAIM Foundation in Navalmoral de la Mata will work with different dynamics and organise group discussions where several refugees living in the locality will share their personal experience with the students. During the third phase of the project, students will enjoy a guided tour at the Monastery of Yuste and will attend a talk on the origins, construction and European integration as well as the functioning of its institutions. In this manner, they will also know a bit more about the activities carried out by Yuste Foundation.
Each school will make a video with all the gathered information and they will later put them together under the title, “The European Union: a symbol of peace and prosperity of the peoples”. It will then be played at the House of Culture of Navalmoral de la Mata in May and all the classes involved in the project will attend.
– El Pozón School: 19 February 2020
– Sierra de Gredos y Almanzor School: 20 February 2020
– Campo Arañuelo School: 5 March 2020