Medellín and Trujillo will become focal points in order to study the polyhedral figure of Hernán Cortés. Academicians and experts from both sides of the Atlantic will meet at the international congress “Hernán Cortés in the 21st century. 5th centenary of Cortés’ arrival in Mexico (1519-2019)”, organised by the European and Ibero-American Academy of Yuste Foundation and the Extremaduran Historical Federation.
The congress, held in Medellín and Trujillo from the 4th to the 6th of April 2019, was presented this morning. Those in charge of providing the details have been the Academic Director of the European and Ibero-American Academy of Yuste Foundation, César Chaparro; the Mayor of Medellín, Antonio Parral Carmona; the President of the Extremaduran Historical Federation, José Ángel Calero Carretero; the President of the Cultural Associations Federation of la Siberia; la Serena and Vegas Altas (SISEVA), Dionisio Martín; the representative of Medellín’s Historical Association, Santiago Guerra and the President of the Obra Pía de los Pizarro´s Foundation, Hernando de Orellana Pizarro.
Chaparro pointed out that “History should be rescued, rethought and reflected on in order to project it towards the future and see the main lessons that can be drawn from it”, thus, with this international congress on Hernán Cortés “not only his action during the 16th century will be looked into, but the historical, social and cultural legacy that he left for posterity will be assessed”. If we still talk about Hernán Cortés five centuries later “it is because we are still interested in him”. The aim is to analyse the figure of Cortés from two perspectives and dimensions: the American and the European and “not only look into his action in America, but consider the repercussion he had in Spain, Europe and, above all, how he influenced Emperor Charles V’s politics”. In this manner, Chaparro pointed out that the congress in part of Yuste Foundation’s objectives: “to study and delve into the bonds we have on both sides of the Atlantic”.
The President of the Extremaduran Historical Federation, José Ángel Calero, claimed that “the figure of Hernán Cortés should be analysed and contextualised in its time. It will not only be studied from its historical dimension, but the aim is to transcend his figure throughout modern times and the contemporary world”.
Among the international congress’ objectives are the need to delve into historical research on Hernán Cortés in the context of the 16th century, disseminate the historical transcendence of the illustrious citizen of Medellín as to assess and disseminate the valuable historical, social, cultural and economic legacy that his colonising work left Modernity.
The congress is organised around five thematic lines: Medellín, Hernán Cortés before the conquest; the conquest of the Mexica Empire; the conquest of Mexico from the Mexican perspective. The Tlaxcaltecas and other allies of Cortés in the conquest of the Mexica Empire; Hernán Cortés after the conquest and the conquerors’ legacy.
The main recipients of the congress are researchers, Americanists and scholars of the conquest, colonisation and evangelisation of Mexico from both sides of the Atlantic. Those interested in presenting communications related to the thematic lines of the congress may do so until 15 February 2019.
The City Council of Medellín; Medellín’s Historical Association; the Cultural Associations Federation of la Siberia; la Serena and Vegas Altas (SISEVA), and the Obra Pía de los Pizarro´s Foundation collaborate in the organisation of the congress.