The Ibero-American and European Academy of Yuste Foundation together with the University of Extremadura (UEx) have organised the ‘First International Symposium for Young Researchers Extremadura and America. Tribute to Fernando Serrano Mangas.
This academic conference, which is held on 24 and 25 October, brings together young doctoral candidates and Americanist doctors to present and analyse new lines of historical research. In addition, this conference pays tribute to the memory of Fernando Serrano Mangas, professor of History of America at the University of Extremadura and cultural adviser of the extinct Extremadura Centre for Studies and Cooperation with Ibero-America (CEXECI), who died prematurely in 2015 in full maturity as researcher. This tribute also materialises with the presentation of the monographic volume of the Norba magazine: Tribute to Fernando Serrano Mangas.
Among the objectives pursued by the symposium is to deepen the interaction that has been taking place over five centuries between Extremadura and America, which has been shaping a historical reality in both spaces, as evidenced in a cultural and material heritage which is common in many cases.
Throughout the various presentations, we want to continue to progress in studies on migration flows between Extremadura and America.
This symposium is articulated around lectures and conferences by young researchers from different university centres in Spain and Ibero-America: University of Cadiz, University of the Basque Country, University of Lisbon, Autonomous University of Madrid, Tarapacá University of Chile, University of Seville, Autonomous University of Baja California in Mexico, Complutense University of Madrid, University of Francisco of Vitoria, UNED and University of Extremadura.
The symposium is complemented by an exhibition of explanatory panels on Extremadura and America, made by students of the subject ‘Political Thinking and Institutions in the Modern Era’, which is at the entrance of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Extremadura.